The transition to the CDR era of FWM. While the homebase was Cincinnati, this ep was recorded with the help of band members all over the place: Alva Hare and Jason L. close to home in Cincinnati, but also Eudean Shaw in the Boston area at that time, Richard W. in Northern California, brother Ken (lyrics for "Be My BioChem Baby") in Madison. I moved to San Diego upon completion of this recording.
Assured and good EP. I am still too shouty in the vocal department, but: (i) that approach actually works well on a couple songs ("Snake In Cat's Pajamas," "Be My Bio-Chem Baby"); and (ii) I started to dial back the shoutiness on a couple others ("Toronto, CANADA," "Litigate The Question"). "Litigate The Question" is kind of an overlooked gem, but, really, this EP is solid in the sense that it is greater, taken as a whole, than the sum of its constituent songs.
Recording@Home ep Fun Fact: The cover art is based on a classic 1982 ep by The Replacements, which was an inspiration for the songs on Recording@Home.
Dave at band member Alva Hare's apartment, presumably after a night of heavy drinking at the Sub Galley or one of the other establishments on Shortvine.